Friday 11 June 2004

Child Time Life

This time last year uni had just finished, the last exam was May 29th, the Ball was June 4th and we all made our way back home. Can you believe it? 4 years just like that!! And 5 since school-when we used to wear uniforms and suits.

Sumeet is coming here exactly a month today!! I can still remember when he was just a baby! Now he's winding up Mum and Dad with 'having a designer suit collection' for 6th Form! Goodness! Does he know how you even earn enough money for a suit!! Oops, I'm sounding like a grownup!!

Still a little monkey though! Like all of us! Keep the kid alive I say!!

I still remember my Blubird A La Carte Kitchen! Red and Yellow. When Ajay used to come, our mums would talk and Ajay and I used to spend hours setting up our 'restaurant' and then it would be time to go!!

And, oh yeh! The cars!! Rajesh [my cousin in Kent] and I used to play with our Matchbox cars and had one of those garages!! Do you remember, some had windy lifts to get the car up to the top level!

One of my favourites was the Sweet Shop! It came with real jars [tiny] filled with Hundreds & Thousands!

I always wanted toys that I didn't have of course like any forever dissatisfied child! Like Roller Skates [when they first were out], and a Skate Board. But Mum always said 'you're too young, let's wait until your next birthday..' and now I'm going to be twenty-four-I'm not so bothered!

I have always wanted to play the piano..I would defo like one for my dream house when I'm 'older'. Do you remember what we used to say: 'bla bla bla when I grow up I bla bla bla'. When do we 'grow up'? And when are we 'older'?

I still feel young, but old and a little more focused than before. I think it is partly due to removing myself from everyday lifecycles that I was a part of in UK, and looking at life and people as an observer. Living alone, and the adventures and challenges that we embrace here in Japan, also make us a little stronger, wiser and at the same time impulsive. If I was the way I am here, I think I would have seen and done a huge amount of crazy travelling or just pushed myself beyond my 'old' boundaries, in the UK. I don't mean boundaries such as bad things or such. Boundaries that hold us back or rather keep us glued to our comfy spots. I mean, how often do we say, 'okay this weekend, I'm going to bla bla bla' without letting time & distance be the main priority and constraint? And money actually.

Looking at it all from afar makes you see who you are and what you want in life and how you want it to be. Not in terms of jobs though! Like that's a whole big bridge to cross next year! AAAAAAh!

Time really does fly. The only 2 facts we know are birth and death. When you're born, you're definitely going to die. It's nothing to be scared of, because life is eternal. Just the physical and materials, are of temporary states.

So what you do in between these 2 sides of taking your first breath and your last, is totally up to you. We as individuals are responsible for only our own karmas. Time is unknown and so is destiny. So it's up to you to go, live, enjoy and love. With that come all that I have spoken about before: the laws of truth, balance and your relationship with yourself. Who are you?

That is what you find out in life.

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